Anger and blame

We are really really angry at them! at everyone who hurt us… Don’t feel it was us anymore, something clicked… and now we are so so angry…

they stole my life… they destroyed everything I had. They wrecked my education, destroyed my chances of the future I wanted. They damaged my mind to the point that I’m not sure I’ll ever be “normal”. They’ve caused me to waste years of my life, meaning that now I have to try to make up for lost time accademically, fiinancially and occupationally.

Michelle has been telling us this for years, but none of us ever believed her.

and… I hate them for it… I actually hate them, all of them… my parents, Steve, Tristan, John, the bullies, the drug dealer, the random people in the street who’ve yelled stuff at me, the teachers who didn’t stop the bullies, the neighbours who heard me scareaming for help but never came, the police who refused to help me, basically EVERYONE!!!

honestly right now hate the world… I don’t like this, I want to throw something, hit something, break something. I want to cause so much damage… I can’t seem to calm down.
We NEED to damage the world as much as it has damaged us!

they have taken everything… my confidence, my self-esteme, my ability to go outside, my ability to properly feel emotions, my friends, my family… everything… even my degree ended due to the damage they caused. Part of me actually wishes that Tristan was still alive so I could hurt him.

I don’t like this anger. I don’t like the things that right now I want to do to these people. It makes me as bad as them

Anger also riles up Michelle, and finding it hard to keep her in control… she can be quite dangerous when she wants to be and I don’t fancy another night in a jail cell…

So, who are we?

Well I am Hazel, I have been writting most of our posts so far. I am the core personality, in other words I am the original. I’m 22 and I am a student studying physiology.

I’m Michelle, I’m 17. I am the strength in our system, I hold them all together. I keep people away, keep the body safe and will never let anyone hurt any of us again.

My name is Sarah, and I am 16. The others in my system don’t like me much, they regard me as weak and dirty. I think I remind them of the past… They dislike me as I do not treat the body well… I self-harm and restrict/purge and they think this shows my weakness even more… But I only do it as those are the rules that the bad man made, and breaking them is dangerous.
Anyway, bad stuff aside, I really like music, painting, reading and going on hikes. I esspecially like mountains and lakes, luckily we live in Scotland so those arre both fairly common 🙂

hi. I am Rachel, I am 15 years old. I always feel a little isolated from the rest of the system, a bit useless and unimportant. But I am told this is not true.
I lie to write, mainly poetry which the host then lets me put on her DeviantART page which I like 😀

Hi… I b Jenny. I 6

BOO! hehe 😛
me b Jess. me b hellper me tri 2 b guds an hellp ceep bodi safs 😀 . me liks kitties an tofee

mi b faith mi b 4.